Christmas Baubles DIY

Last Updated on December 21, 2020 by White Bow
Make Christmas baubles DIY using paper mache. You will need about 2 to 3 days for this whole project to complete. We used water balloons for these as they are small but you can also use normal size balloons. Just pump the balloons up the size of normal baubles. Tear small strips of paper and glue them on the balloon. We used about 3 layers of the paper so the ball will form harder. Leave overnight to let the balloon dry. The next day, paint the balloons. If you want to use glitter to decorate the balls, you will have to add an extra day (day 3) for that. You can also use pen markers to decorate the balls. We found if a good idea to leave the end part where you tied up the balloon to secure the air, as this is where we tied up the ribbon to hang the balls on the Christmas tree. You can also use a glue gun to attach the ribbon on the bauble. We used curling ribbon for these baubles as we like the look of the curled ribbons.
Tags: Christmas balls, Christmas baubles, Christmas craft, craft for kids, paper mache