Card Dominoes, the Card Game for Young Kids

Last Updated on October 15, 2020 by White Bow
Here is an easy card game that young kids, even preschoolers can play.
When I was a child, I used to play a card game, which I cannot remember what it was called nor its rules as it was so long ago. Since becoming a mother, I have started playing this card game again because it’s a fun game for young kids. It’s a bit like playing dominoes, hence I have called it Card Dominoes. Minimum two players can play it. One deck is good for up to 5 players and you can add another deck if you have more players. I have created my rules and here is how it goes:
- The object of the game is to have consecutive numbers for the same suite.
- Distribute 7 cards to each player, exclude the Joker
- Order goes clockwise
- At the very start, the person with the card with number 7 can start first
- If there are multiple players with a number 7 card, then the person closest to the card dealer can start the game
- The next player then has to put a card down if they have the same suite and the consecutive or connecting number eg after 7, they can either put 6 or 8 as long as it is the same suite
- If the player does not have a connecting card, they have to pick up a new card
- No one can pass their turn if they have a connecting card
- The highest card is the King and the lowest is Ace
- Whoever finishes all their cards first is the winner